UN-SEEN in Cambodia


This book is a photographer’s search for meaning and meaningful photographs. I worked with the Nget family from May 2018 until November 2019.  In four tours we established a connection and an understanding despite cultural differences.
My biggest concern was how to make photographs that would pay respect to their lives. They had only their memories of the lost family members, they had memories of the violence that were too harsh to let in, let alone to talk. Once Khun Ann had told her story to me and he’d let me make photo’s of her doing so, I had a start. I brought back a first draft of some kind of photo book. Once shown to family members, they opened up to each other and started sharing memories.
So UN-SEEN is kind of a documentary of the proces:
It is hard to forget the atrocities, the loss of small children, loss of older children and a grandchild as well.
And it is difficult to truly remember and let in the memories of those who died and go beyond the violence to remember their lives.
It was so important to share, make the stories more complete, make the family reconstruct their lives.

The story of the Nget family

Hard to forget

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Difficult to remember

Thirty years of warfare between 1969 and 1999. It is to live under the constant threat of death, mutilation and loss through violence. It is to live with the drama of your loved ones’ brutal death and the loss of your home and belongings. It is also nevertheless, a life that simply wants to be lived. How do you, as a person, as a family, as a community, come to share the memories and come to face the grief and devastation? Commemoration, alone and together, gives the deceased the place they deserve.

Important to share

Thirty years of warfare between 1969 and 1999. It is to live under the constant threat of death, mutilation and loss through violence. It is to live with the drama of your loved ones’ brutal death and the loss of your home and belongings. It is also nevertheless, a life that simply wants to be lived. How do you, as a person, as a family, as a community, come to share the memories and come to face the grief and devastation? Commemoration, alone and together, gives the deceased the place they deserve.

How it all started




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